The election in the USA affects the whole world. With this song, LOADWICK wants to draw attention to this important event, plead for solidarity, community and cohesion and express its respect for all strong women and men who stand up for their fellow human beings.
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We live in a time when political parties often behave like rival gangs. Not only in the USA. This can be observed all over the world. They prefer to focus on insulting their opponents and inciting their supporters rather than working together to improve the lives of the women and men who elected them to office. In some parliaments, fists are even flying. The upcoming elections in the USA and in many other countries around the world in 2024 are unsettling many people who are already inundated with bad news in the media on a daily basis following the severe coronavirus crisis, the Russian war of aggression in Ukraine and the Middle East conflict. Not to mention inflation, high interest rates and horrendous property prices. These people often want nothing more than cohesion, unity and the common pursuit of peace, sustainability and social security. Experiencing the start of the US election campaign in this climate was unbearable. On the one hand, a candidate who deliberately lies to and misleads his voters in order to profit from them. On the other, a man who seems barely physically up to the demands of the toughest job in the world. One wonders if this is the best the land of opportunity has to offer its people. But when Biden came to his senses and let Kamala Harris go first, it was like the long-awaited silver lining on the horizon. Momentum was finally restored and a movement was born that was once again full of euphoria, confidence and hope for the future. The fact that it was a woman, possibly the first female president of the United States, gave this movement added impetus. And so a small artist from an even smaller country, swept up in the events and driven by a desire to escape a little from the daily dramatic news from around the world, wrote the song GREAT AGAIN. The slogan, adopted in part by the Trump movement, has the same mischievous origins that prompted others to project “Wired as hell” onto Trump Tower. “I didn’t want to provoke anyone with it,” says LOADWICK, ”for me GREAT AGAIN is a slogan that expresses a common goal that no individual can claim for themselves, but that is there for everyone.” The song GREAT AGAIN is not an unreflected song of praise for Kamal Harris, rather it is intended to express the hope of those who are looking forward to the 2024 election with big eyes – and not just in the USA. LOADWICK wants to reach as many people as possible with this song, to plead for solidarity, community and cohesion and to express its respect for all the strong women and men who stand up for their fellow human beings and a better future.

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Loadwick is getting harder. The song “OVER YOU” was released on 22.04. The perfect song to put an end to the past and open a new chapter.

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